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Behav-N-Dogs Trainer Loves Animals!

In addition to loving animals with a passion Behav-N-Dogs Trainer, Rachael Haddan has made it her mission to help animals and their owners. Her goal is to help  those reactive and otherwise insecure dogs learn to feel better emothonally so they can learn to behave in more  appropriate and safe ways.   

Behavior Modification

Behav-n-Dogs Trainer Rachael Haddan uses force-free behavior modification protocols and learning games. Thus, changing the underlying emotional issues driving problem behavior(s) one dog at a time!

Dog Training Courses

Through fun engaging games your dog will learn basic manners all the way to advanced obedience and even service dog tasks if needed. All without any force! Furthermore; Behav-N-Dogs trainer will be coaching you the owner on how to train your dog, with step-by-step instructions and homework to practice between lessons.

Pet Sitting - In Owners Home

Behav-N-Dogs Expert Rachael Haddan, offers pet sitting for a large variety of animals; including, dogs with problem behavior. 

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